Factory: 22B Moshood Street, Off Jimoh Balogun Street by CMD Road, Ikosi-Ketu, Lagos State, Nigeria. | Tel: +234-805-062-7676 | Email: contact@fausatsanni-yusuf.com

Why Trade Fairs and Exhibitions Will ALWAYS Be Profitable & Popular – Part 1 | Download FREE PDF (1) EBook and (2) Fact Sheet Versions

Trade fairs and exhibitions are time tested events designed to facilitate collaboration between individuals who share a mutual interest (in business or other areas) towards engaging in the review, marketing and selling of any products they have in common.


1. Click www.tinyurl.com/tfebook1 to get an EBOOK VERSION (see cover above) of this report with photos/videos from Trade Fairs I’ve participated in.


2. Click www.tinyurl.com/tf-factsh1 to get a print-ready ONE PAGE FACTS SHEET VERSION (see screenshot below) of the Ebook.


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